Their eyes only: City Hall’s appraisal of Treasure will remain classified

Document, from mid-2010, is seen as a ‘starting point only’ in talks about price

by Jay Hamburger THE PARK RECORD

Park City officials do not intend to make public a mid-2010 appraisal of the Sweeney family’s Treasure parcel conducted on behalf of City Hall, a document of great importance in the long-running talks about a conservation deal.

The document would provide at least one baseline for rank-and-file Parkites to consider as city leaders and the Sweeney family prepare for what is likely a final round of discussions centered on whether a deal for the land can be reached.

The appraisal is dated July 15, 2010 and was conducted by Chris Donaldson, a certified general appraiser in the local office of Cushman & Wakefield Inc. He was a 23-year veteran of the appraisal industry at the time it was conducted. Both Donaldson and City Hall officials declined to discuss the appraisal’s figures at that time.

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